A new logo ---^
New, Huge plans are in the works inside the 'ol studio as of late. I haven't updated much lately because I have been SUPER busy but I did want to let everyone know what I am working on.
First, Silicone Feelings. This is a project I am super excited to be apart of. As you all know by now I have joined this band and am playing bass with them. I am super psyched about working with my long time friend Steph on her material because it is awesome stuff! Todd is a phenomenal drummer and it is going to be a blast working together and making good music! Keep your eyes out for some more information soon!
Second, Davidoth. We are still building our next "Masterpiece" working on "Something You Could Never Understand." I know we have been talking about this album for a long time, and I can assure you that it will be well worth the wait. Me and Ed are working very hard on getting the right songs for this album to really capture something deep and special. That takes time!!!
"28 Discs Later" went very well! I am super proud of the result and I am still working on the "DSE" don't worry, it's coming.
Third, The Focusing Halo. Me and Caitan have basically wrapped up the major recording phase of "Everything He Never Wanted". We have some fine tuning to do and a few over dubs and some light editing to work out before we shoot it up for a preliminary mastering. I am super proud of this project as well because me and Chaitan really got creative with this album and I love playing these songs. TFH is something great and I can tell you this.... Chaitan is already sending me new demos for the followup record... =)
Last, "Dreamlake"... What it is, I don't really know yet. What banner it will fly under? Don't know that either. I just know that I have stars aligning towards something special with this project. It feels like "28 Discs Later" did when I first broke ground on that project, it just came to me that the pieces of the puzzle were there and I should start building. With "Dreamlake" I want to do something familiar and yet different... Something refreshing but not over the top... I do have a collection of songs that I have written as of late that are still up in the air as to where I am going to go with them, and they would / could work well with my initial ideas for this endeavor. Hmm... This could get good!
Until later.