Amy Winehouse is one of my favorite singers. So powerful in both her lyrics and her voice. The video above shows my favorite performance of hers. It is a pure and beautiful example of what music and musical performance should be like. This video reminds me exactly why I make music.
This was shot back in 2003 when her "Frank" album was out. Before she was a huge tabloid sensation and it's disgusting to me how so many people eagerly anticipate her down fall, and talk shit about such a talented musician. Below I shall address such people.
Yeah, so I know there are some people out there who talk shit about Amy Winehouse. Sure, she has problems.... What one of us doesn't? I understand that there are many people out there who have no idea what music is all about. They probably like Nickleback and shit like that, they probably tell you "I just love all music, but my favorite band is Nickleback!" And when you slap them in the mouth YOUR THE BAD GUY!!!! Those same douche bags with no taste are probably the same people who read the tabloids and talk shit about Amy Winehouse, they are most likely also the ones to say they "love music."
If you are one of these people, please politely go fuck yourself in a dark corner alone and realise that no matter how hard you try to peel off that fleshy shell you are encased in is inescapable. Your heart melted into a thick, oily puddle of goo in your chest a long time ago, and your tabloid magazines that slowly tear artists apart for your enjoyment are the only sustenance that you really can survive on, because you yourself don't even know who or what you are.
You need a fucking Bi-Sexual divorced expert on marriage, drinking a $8 non fat, super tall, iced, whipped double latte, caffeine free, double espresso. Who blows lines of coke before they eat there diet medication because there other friend with anorexia down the hallway told them they were getting to fat, You need them to tell you your Ok. Everything is going to be fine, the world loves you and even though you are a total useless pile of shit, your a reader... Your in, you know all the gossip.
So while your in line with all the other people just like you, you can understand how even though your going to be slaughtered after a mild shock before your boiled alive and de-feathered everything is Cool. Because you like Nickelback, and you know what Justin Timberlakes best friends pool boys brother ate the night he fucked Carson Daly. And that makes it cool for you to point out that Amy Winehouse has a drug problem and you don't. Have fun!!!
I have no idea where that rant came from, but I feel better now! I am even in a good mood today! =)
Rock on Amy!
you weren't kidding when you said you had a nasty blog entry! haha!
amy is *really* talented. the tabloids are sick, but her drug problem is even worse. i hope she gets the help she needs so she can continue to give us amazing stuff like "Frank"!
I just can't stand the way these people make money by destroying other peoples lives. If I was ever rich I would pay a paparazi of my own to follow the executives of these tabloids home and take pictures of them and there kids and see how they liked it.
And it is very sad that Amy's problems have gotten to the point that they are at. But it definately dosent make it any easier to get better when you have douche-tards like the above mentioned following you around constantly. Lets hope she cleans up and we get another masterpiece from her! =)
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