Thursday, January 21, 2010

Some "Oath" Info.

So work on finishing up Oath continues and I have made a few major decisions with this album that I want to share with everyone.

First, As we all know a major disaster stuck the country of Haiti this month. Many people have reached out and given what they can with monetary donations and some have even traveled down to the epicenter to give aid. In tough economic times it's always great to see that people still care and are willing to help when others need it.
I have been watching the events unfold since the quake happened as I do with most world events. (Those who know me know I'm a CNN junkie.) And the entire situation has made me realize just how good I have it. How lucky I have been thus far in life, and I have been counting my blessings.

That being said, I feel it's necessary for me to do some more to help, however I can...

So I have decided that I am going to donate 100% of the sales from Oath (after the distributor's fee of coarse) to the American Red Cross - International Relief Fund. This is probably not going to be allot but, I think that the whole ideology that Oath is based on would make this decision a good one. Oath is about Honor, Duty, Service and a yearning for peace within ones self. And I feel we need to do more and give more where we can.

My mom called me up yesterday morning as I was leaving work and told me another 6.1 aftershock had hit the city. My mom is a nurse so she knows some people who are down there giving aid and she was worried about everyone. The people of the city, the doctors, Soldiers, search and rescue, everyone. And I couldn't believe that they had gotten hit again, thank God no one else died from that aftershock.

Then when I read this in a CNN article it sealed the deal for me:

"We have run out of IVs and IV needles and IV fluids," said Dr. Mark Hyman of the medical relief organization Partners in Health. "We've run out of surgical supplies. We have to wash with vodka, and we have to operate with hacksaws because we don't have enough operating tools."


On to the specifics of the release. The Album/EP will be released on 02/02/2010. I have decided to try a new distribution system for this album. I am going to be going with ReverbNation as a distributor for this release. Doing so will allow us to give a much better package with a 4 page booklet (vs 2), Disc print, and insert print both in and out. This release will only be available from our ReverbNation store upon release. I am still working out the specifics on this piece so I will fill in details as I get them.

Thank you all for everything.



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